We have set up this site to help fund Maureen’s much needed invasive treatments and surgery that we simply cannot afford to do on our own.
Maureen’s teeth have all but fallen out over these past few years – leaving her with open stumps that have become inflamed and infected causing her daily pain and mortifying shame. These infections have now invaded both her lower and upper jaws and the remainder of her teeth all need to be completely removed. After healing from this initial clean-out phase, they will need to perform reconstructive surgery utilizing cadaver implants and create a new set of dentures in order to preserve her facial integrity.
All of these treatments, procedures and surgeries are estimated to cost in excess of $65,000.00 USD! The urgency for this could not be overstated as Maureen will need to begin as soon as possible to avoid additional life-threatening infections and partial removal of her jaw bones leaving her disfigured for life.
Every little bit helps and with your donation, combined with the assistance of government funding and other philanthropic support, we only need to reach $20,000.00. In fact, if we reach $10,000.00 by October, Maureen can begin her treatments as the doctors and specialists have all agreed to bill her for the remaining $10,000.00!
Obviously living healthy and without constant pain due to exposed nerves and infection is our ultimate goal. However, the social and emotional benefits of having a new healthy set of pearly whites will literally open the door for Maureen to reclaim her life, having felt embarrassed and isolated at home these past few years.
With that, I’ve personally committed to the first $1,000.00 bringing our final goal down to $19,000.00!
On behalf of my sister… thank you for your love, thank you for your compassion, and thank you for helping to get Maureen back on track – body, heart, mind and soul!
Very warm regards,
~ David (her baby brother)